Saving Rainforests

Rainforests are often called the lungs of the planet for their role in absorbing carbon dioxide, they absorb 30 percent of the world’s CO2 emission each year. .Unfortunately, rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate. This is adversely affecting global environment including species extinction, loss of essential ecosystem services and the reduction of carbon sinks. ERuDeF is saving rainforest through creation of protected areas, community forestry and forest restoration programs. ERuDeF is working with the indigenous communities to protect rainforest which they call as their home.  By investing directly in indigenous communities, we connect people who are deeply motivated to conserve their ancestral lands with the tools, training, and resources necessary to protect their rainforests.


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Civil Society Building, Co-Cathedral Road Buea, SW Region, Cameroon

Call Us: +237-672181816

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