The Journey (1999-2019)

1999Creation of Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF).
2000Official launching of ERuDeF
2001Launching of the Lebialem Highlands Forest Conservation Initiatives.
2002Partnership with the Birdlife to protect Bamenda Highlands and train ERuDeF team.
2003Launched surveys on birds and wildlife of Lebialem Highlands with support from Flora and Fauna International, RSPB and Rufford Foundation.
2004Launched surveys on birds and wildlife of Lebialem Highlands with support from Flora and Fauna International, RSPB and Rufford Foundation.
Signing of Memorandum of Understanding with Flora and Fauna International and African Conservation Foundation.
2005Completed the Great Apes surveys of Lebialem Highlands.
2006Launched the first strategic direction paper for the conservation of Great Apes in Lebialem Highlands.
2007• ERuDeF joined the Nigerian-Cameroon Regional Consortium for conservation of Cross River Gorillas.

• ERuDeF signed the MoU with the World Wide Fund for Nature, Cameroon for the conservation of Cross River Gorillas.
2008Started the International Volunteering Programme now called as International Biodiversity Expedition (IBE) Programme.
2009Started the International Volunteering Programme now called as International Biodiversity Expedition (IBE) Programme.
2010• Launched the creation of Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary.

• The President/CEO of ERuDeF received Whitely Fund for Nature Award for International Nature Conservation.
2012• ERuDeF won the 2nd Prize for the Climate Mitigation in Africa.

• ERuDeF launched the pilot Access and Benefits Sharing (ABS) Initiative in Cameroon.
2013Created the Silver Back Company (SBC) Limited.
2014• ERuDeF created its first ever Protected Area – Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary.

• The first ever Prior Information Consent (PIC) Research, MoU signed by the Minister of Environment, facilitated by ERuDeF.

• Launched the creation of the proposed Mak-Betchou Wildlife Sanctuary, Lebialem Highlands.

• ERuDeF facilitated the signing of MoU between V.Mane Fils and the Ministry of Environment, protection of Nature and Sustainable Development (MINIPDED).
2015• The government of Cameroon through MINEPDED signed the first ever Mutually Agreed Terms Agreement for the Mondia whitei project in Francophone Africa, facilitated by ERuDeF.

• Launched the research and conservation of amphibians of the Mount Nlonako, Littoral region, Cameroon.

• The funding Board of Trustees of ERuDeF approved the creation of ERuDeF board of trustees.
2016• The government of Cameroon through MINEPDED signed the second Mutually Agreement Terms for the Mondia whitei project in Lewoh, facilitated by ERuDeF.

• ERuDeF takes the lead in Great Apes conservation in Central Africa as Louis Nkembi its President/CEO became the president of the Central Africa Civil Society Programme on Great Apes conservation in Central Africa.
2017• Launched the creation of the proposed Mount Muanenguba Integrated Ecological Reserve in Cameroon.

• ERuDeF launched the Cameroon Amphibians Conservation Initiative (CACI).

• ERuDeF Launched the Cameroon Mountain Initiative.

• ERuDeF joined the steering committee for the GEF funded projects for the Management of Protected Areas and Access Benefits Sharing in South-West region, Cameroon.

• ERuDeF launched the UK Branch Office and registered as a UK based charity
2018Launched15 years Mount Bamboutos Initiative in collaboration with the International Tree Foundation.
2019ERuDeF launched the organisational restructuring and re-strategizing process in order to emerge as a medium scale organisation.

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Civil Society Building, Co-Cathedral Road Buea, SW Region, Cameroon

Call Us: +237-672181816

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