ERuDeF Staff Sharpen Skills To Improve Productivity

The staff of the Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) recently underwent intensive in-house training to hone their skills in various fields with the aim of improving their efficiency and increasing productivity at work. The training took place at...

30 Years On, Displaced Bambalang Natives Yearn For Rescue

They were displaced when the Baminjim Dam was constructed and its waters flooded the Ndop plains, submerging homes, farmlands and raffia bushes. Thirty years after, the complexity of this dire situation makes a visitor to the Bambalang islands feel the paradox of...

Modern Mill Boosts Palm Oil Production In Mak-Bechou

A modern oil mill has uplifted the livelihood of the inhabitants of Essoh-Attah one of the villages in the proposed Mak-Bechou wildlife sanctuary in Lebialem Division, South West Region. The oil mill was donated by ERuDeF in 2012 and installed within the framework of...

ERuDeF Agro-foresters Use Smartphones To Collect Data

ERuDeF agro-foresters have begun using Smartphones to collect field data. The agro-foresters had earlier on received training on this new monitoring and evaluation technique from Ben Addlestone, John Munsell and Andrew Zacharias from Trees for Future USA when they...

ERuDeF Looses Wildlife Biologist

ERuDeF has lost one of her wildlife biologists. Miss Bernice Fien Muh, 30 years old, died in a car accident on January 7, 2015 on her back from Fundong after spending time with family. Bernice joined the ERuDeF family in 2008 to serve as coordinator of the Great Apes...

Forest Gardening Helps More Farmers Boost Yields

Fuelled by the turbulence of degraded soils and low agricultural production, more farmers in the North West, South West and West and Littoral Regions are turning to forest gardening, an upgrade of agro-forestry. A team made up of experts from ERuDeF has been helping...

Mt. Bamboutos Inhabitants Pledge Support To ABS In 2015

The people of Magha-Bamumbu have promised to support the Access and Benefit Sharing, ABS, project in 2015. The project that commenced in 2012 is now at its commercialization phase. They made this pledge on January 28, 2015 during a workshop that took place at the...

ERuDeF Institute Gets New Deputy Director

The ERuDeF Institute of Biodiversity and Non-profit Studies EIBiNS now has a new Deputy Director. The new Deputy Director, Mr. Samuel Ngueping holds a BSc. in Botany and Plant Physiology from University of Buea and a MSc. in Protected Area Management from the...