The role of community rangers as citizen Scientists in Research and Conservation of Gorillas and Chimpanzees in the Lebialem highlands, Cameroon
Ebong Lionel and Shuimo Trust The use of robust ecological data to make evidence-based management decisions for highly threatened species is often limited by data availability, and local ecological knowledge (LEK). The participation of communities living in high...
REDD +, an incentive for restoration
The fight against climate change is one of the major challenges of our time. Forests play a fundamental role in climate change mitigation- by removing CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it in biomass and soils. This also means that when forests are cleared or...
Cameroon government creates a protected area to conserve amphibians, reptiles, and birds
The government of Cameroon has transformed the Proposed Mount Muanenguba Integral Ecological Reserve into the Mount Muanenguba Herpeto-ornithological Sanctuary which will serve a safe habitat for amphibians, reptiles, and birds. This follows Prime Ministerial Decree...
Time to save the remaining Cross River Gorillas in the Lebialem Highlands
By Ebong Lionel. Edited by Shuimo Trust The Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) is the northern and western-most gorilla subspecies and is restricted to the hilly rain-forest region along the Nigeria-Cameroon border, which forms the headwaters of the...
ERuDeF to launch Project to support Island communities to conserve mangroves in Southwest Cameroon
Within the context of its Island Biodiversity Conservation Programme, the Environment and Rural Development Foundation will be launching a project to support Tiko-Limbe 3 Island communities on the Southwest coast of Cameroon to conserve their mangroves. This Project...
Southeast Cameroon: ERuDeF bent on giving Indigenous Peoples, and Local Communities a leading role in conservation
By Shuimo Trust The Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) developed a project aimed at giving indigenous peoples and local communities a leading role in conservation in Southeast Cameroon. The project titled "Southeast Cameroon Indigenous Peoples and...
Meet the Beneficiaries of the Lobeke Project
By Shuimo Trust The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic brought overbearing effects on especially communities adjacent to protected areas. Given that communities around Cameroon’s protected areas depend heavily on tourism, the outbreak of COVID-19 means that the...
Protecting great Apes, forest elephants, and other large mammals in Eastern Cameroon:ERuDeF calls for Financial and technical support
The International Union for Conservation of Nature classifies the Western lowland gorillas as critically endangered, Central chimpanzees as Endangered and forest elephants as Vulnerable due to their declining population, a trend that is not expected to cease in the...
Discover how ERuDef is changing the lives of smallholder farmers in Western Cameroon through Forest Garden
The Western Cameroon Highlands are characterised by high relief, cool temperatures, heavy rainfall and savanna vegetation. These highlands constitute several mountains amongst which are the Mbapit-Nkogham, Bamboutos and Nlonako-Muanenguba Mountains. Mt. Bamboutos and...
The road to the gazettement of the Deng Deng National Park
Nja Beltin Tekuh, The Cameroon Oil Transportation Company (COTCO) commissioned in 1998 an environmental impact survey of a proposed oil pipeline route from Chad to Cameroon. The results of the survey revealed that an area along the pipeline in eastern Cameroon known...
Why Mbapit-Nkogham Mountains need urgent restoration
By Muluh Quinivette The Western High Plateau of Cameroon is made of numerous mountains amongst which are the Mbapit and the Nkogham mountains. The Mbapit-Nkolgam Mts is found in the Western High Plateau of Cameroon. The Western High Plateau was once heavily forested....