Deng Deng-Belabo Conservation Corridor Project Launched
The mission to save the Western Lowland Gorillas and impact lives in the eastern region of Cameroon has reached a milestone, after The Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) launched the Deng Deng- Belabo conservation corridor project, in the east...
Combating Desertification and Droughts
“Don’t let our future dry up. Food grows where the water flows”. The Environment Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) and its partners have been at the forefront in combating Desertification and Droughts in Cameroon. With this year’s theme, “Food, Feed and Fibre”,...
How Agroforestry is Alleviating Poverty in Haut-Nkam
Agroforestry which is a science of integrated farming that includes trees, crops and animals on thesame piece of land, has proven to be a means through which poverty can be reduced especially in rural communities. During a recent impact assessment trip to...
CAWI Economic Support Puts Smiles on IDPs Faces
During a monitoring trip by the Director of the Center for the Advancement of Women’s Initiatives (CAWI) ,Mrs. Nkembi Lucia, to business sites of some internally displaced persons, who benefited from CAWI’s economic support, CAWI was overwhelmed with the impact her...
Forest Gardeners belittle COVID-19 threats
"No! Despite the COVID-19 pandemic threatening us, we farmers of Ngui village will continue to plant trees in our farms while ensuring every safety measures put in place by the government of Cameroon are respected. No matter what it takes, we need to take care of our...
ERuDeF signs MoU with DESDA, PEDER, renews commitment with G I, to restore the Mount Bamboutos ecosystem functions.
By Shuimo Trust The environment and Rural Development Foundation has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Dynamic Eco sustainable and Development Association, DESDA, a local organization based in Bamenda and Protection de L’Environment et Development de...
Celebrating the International Day of Biological Diversity amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
By Shuimo Trust The year 2020 has been one of the most challenging years in human history given the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic that has claimed thousands of lives around the globe. The 2020 edition of the International Day of Biological Diversity is...
“Birds connect our world” ERuDeF celebrates the world Migratory Bird Day
The Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF), remains resolute in conserving, restoring and connecting the integrity of ecosystems that support the movement of migratory birds, that face many cahllenges as they connect the world. ERuDeF honors these...
ERuDeF celebrates the World Earth Day
By Shuimo Trust The Environmental and Rural Development Foundation joined the world on April 22 in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the World Earth Day under the theme “Climate Action”. The ceremony started with a symposium on ERuDeF’s local theme of the World...
How Forest Gardens in Cameroon are sustained despite covid-19 threat
Covid-19 has pervaded every aspect of our lives; and although we may feel the various impacts in different ways, there is one factor that affects majority of the population: food. In order to ensure continuous sustainability of the Forest Gardens and the security of...