The role of community rangers as citizen Scientists in Research and Conservation of Gorillas and Chimpanzees in the Lebialem highlands, Cameroon

Ebong Lionel and Shuimo Trust The use of robust ecological data to make evidence-based management decisions for highly threatened species is often limited by data availability, and local ecological knowledge (LEK). The participation of communities living in high...

REDD +, an incentive for restoration

The fight against climate change is one of the major challenges of our time. Forests play a fundamental role in climate change mitigation- by removing CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it in biomass and soils. This also means that when forests are cleared or...

Cameroon government creates a protected area to conserve amphibians, reptiles, and birds

The government of Cameroon has transformed the Proposed Mount Muanenguba Integral Ecological Reserve into the Mount Muanenguba Herpeto-ornithological Sanctuary which will serve a safe habitat for amphibians, reptiles, and birds. This follows Prime Ministerial Decree...

Time to save the remaining Cross River Gorillas in the Lebialem Highlands

By Ebong Lionel. Edited by Shuimo Trust The Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) is the northern and western-most gorilla subspecies and is restricted to the hilly rain-forest region along the Nigeria-Cameroon border, which forms the headwaters of the...

ERuDeF to launch Project to support Island communities to conserve mangroves in Southwest Cameroon

Within the context of its Island Biodiversity Conservation Programme, the Environment and Rural Development Foundation will be launching a project to support Tiko-Limbe 3 Island communities on the Southwest coast of Cameroon to conserve their mangroves. This Project...


Deng Deng-Belabo Conservation Corridor Project Launched

Deng Deng-Belabo Conservation Corridor Project Launched

The mission to save the Western Lowland Gorillas and impact lives in the eastern region of Cameroon has reached a milestone, after The Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) launched the Deng Deng- Belabo conservation corridor project, in the east...

Combating Desertification and Droughts

Combating Desertification and Droughts

“Don’t let our future dry up. Food grows where the water flows”. The Environment Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) and its partners have been at the forefront in combating Desertification and Droughts in Cameroon. With this year’s theme, “Food, Feed and Fibre”,...

CAWI Economic Support Puts Smiles on IDPs Faces

CAWI Economic Support Puts Smiles on IDPs Faces

During a monitoring trip by the Director of the Center for the Advancement of Women’s Initiatives (CAWI) ,Mrs. Nkembi Lucia, to business sites of some internally displaced persons, who benefited from CAWI’s economic support, CAWI was overwhelmed with the impact her...