Agroforestry which is a science of integrated farming that includes trees, crops and animals on thesame piece of land, has proven to be a means through which poverty can be reduced especially in rural communities.
During a recent impact assessment trip to Haut-Nkam, West Region of Cameroon by ERuDeF’s Director of Development and Philanthropy, farmers practicing agroforestry in this area attested they are witnessing a steady increase in yields. These farmers are part of ERuDeF’s Forest Garden Project ongoing in the Mount Bamboutos landscape that cut across three administrative Regions of Cameroon.
Mrs. Gahatchamgoue Grace has been practicing agroforestry since ERuDeF introduced this system of agriculture in Haut-Nkam where she is based. “I have received training on agroforestry practices particularly by using the forest garden model from ERuDeF. My output has increased significantly since i diversified my farm, fodder (usually acacia) helps in increasing soil fertility, some of the trees like “neem” are very medicinal and the wood is used as fuel for cooking. I sell surpluses from crops harvested and earn additional income. This allows me to pay my children’s school fees with ease. Am very grateful to ERuDeF and her partners for introducing this life-changing system of agriculture in my area”, said Mrs. Gahatchamgoue Grace.
Mrs. Gahatchamgoue Grace’s Agroforestry farm
Agroforestry has proven to be a system which is not only ecologically friendly but also economically sound. This is very evident in Haut-Nkam where most households depend solely on agriculture. Soil fertility has been improved considerably given the diversification of crops. Incomes of farmers just like that of Mrs. Gahatchamgoue Grace has increased substantially.
The environment and Rural Development Foundation will continue to give technical training as well as financial assistance to farmers willing to adopt this system of Agriculture not only in Haut-Nkam but all over Cameroon.