An Amazing Trip to Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary

I am Anna Buchling from Germany. I was in Cameroon under the ERuDeF International Volunteering Programme (IVP) from October 27 to November 8, 2014. I visited the jungle, and communities.

I had a wonderful experience working with ERuDeF both in the communities and in the jungle. It was great just been closed to nature and been with beautiful people. Then the team of ERuDeF-is super competence and super nice and I really felt warmly welcome.

My visit to the rainforest was really amazing! I realized that the rainforest in Cameroon especially the Tofala rainforest I went to is very rich. You find all the variety of plants and animals you can ever imagine. You don’t really see the animals but there are lots of signs indicating their existence in this ecosystem. It is really a wonderful experience seen these amazing overgrowing and huge jungle with all the population of flora and fauna. It’s just overwhelming how many species you find there.

Trying to live with the people and the villages like those who live really close to this forest and trying to increase their level of knowledge on conservation of wildlife and the significance of their involvement was really great. Supper nice people and highly motivated!

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