[one_third][/one_third]Glauconycterisgleni (Glen’s Wattled Bat), an erratic bat species has been discovered on Mt. Muanenguba. In a recent study carried out on the mountain by a team of chiroptologist made up of Dr BakwoFils Eric and Takuo Jean Michel,the bat species were found after it was last recorded and described in Cameroon by Peterson and Smithin 1973.

According to these researchers,additional studies are needed on the distribution, abundance, general ecology and potential threats to this species. They went further to explain that this major discovery is one of the reasons why Mt Muanenguba should be protected from human encroachment and degradation. They believed that this action will go a long way to protect this rare bat species and other endemic birds and amphibian species on Mt Muanenguba.

Glen’s Wattled Bat is listed on the IUCN website as Data Deficient. This is because little information exists on its evolutional history, ecology, abundance and distribution. This little known African bat species is said to have a very small global geographical range. It has only been recorded from a locality of Lomie in the East Region of Cameroon and from a single site in western Uganda. This endemic species is presumably threatened in parts of its range. Threats from logging and the conversion of forest habitat to agricultural use greatly affect the population of the bats. As of now there appear to be no direct conservation measures in place for this species.

Bats are the only mammals that can fly. They are also among the only mammals known to feed on blood. There are more than 900 species of bats in the world. Some experts estimate the number to be as high as 1,200 species. According to Bat Conservation International, bats make up one-fifth of the mammal population on Earth.

By: Manka’a Grace

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