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Southwest Farmers Rewarded For Best Agroforestry Practices
[one_third][/one_third] Some four farmers from different agroforestry farming groups in the Southwest Region, have been rewarded with modern…
Genetically Connecting Isolated Critically Endangered Species In The Lebialem Highlands Conservation Complex, South West Cameroon By Creating Conservation Corridors
[one_third][/one_third] High level of endangered endemic plant and animal species present in South West of Cameroon, are increasingly…
ERuDeF trains a dozen farmers on bee hunting in Folepi Village
[one_third][/one_third] Balancing Conservation and Development The Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) has trained twelve inhabitants of Folepi…
Volunteer adopts Cross River Gorilla in captivity at the Limbe Wildlife Center
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Agroforestry Fruits of Success
[one_third][/one_third]The new conservation thinking that environmental protection cannot be done on “an empty stomach” is increasingly driving the…
ERuDeF gets four new workers on board
Following the announcement for the recruitment of volunteers into ERuDeF in early January 2014, the organization has welcome…