The Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF), a Cameroonian non-profit conservation organisation and its partners are intending to expand their operations into the Central Africa sub-region to cover Gabon, Congo, DR Congo, Central Africa, Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon. In respect to this new expansion strategy, ERuDeF intends to develop and launch a more robust communication strategy to address the key biodiversity issues as the first phase of this expansion, for the attention of its local NGO partners and governments in these countries. In order to consolidate this new sub-regional strategy and considering the bilingual nature of these countries, the President of ERuDeF is seeking to recruit a team of three young, competitive, aggressive and bilingual journalists into its Communication Division. The suitably qualified candidates should have the following profile:

1, Should hold at least a first degree in journalism and mass communication with focus on print and online media

2 Should have at least one to two years of relevant experience in newspaper production, editing and layout. Those without the relevance experience should be registered with the National Employment Fund.
3. Should have good mastery of online publication
4. Must be bilingual especially as they will be serving as Newspaper Editors and sub-regional reporters.
5. Should have relevant newspaper and communication management experience in a fast changing world with digital applications
6. Should have national and regional networking experience with the civil society sector and international NGOs.
7. Ability to identify and work with the corporate sector companies
8. Should be computer literate and a mastery of online fundraising skills
9. Remuneration is in function of experience and ability to produce and mobilise resources for the sub-regional conservation programme.

Interested candidates should deposit at the ERuDeF head office in Buea, applications addressed to the Director of Operations. The application file should be composed of copies of relevant diplomas, attestation of bilingualism, two reference statements from relevant professionals, a relevant CV, an attestation of work experience, a proof of registration with the National Employment Fund for those without any relevant experience and/or wishing to change jobs, a letter of motivation for the position, a recommendation from the current employer if currently employed and proof of mastery of the central Africa sub-region.

The positions are due to start by 30 June 2016. Deadline for the receipt of applications is 31 May 2016 and will be followed immediately with a selection test and oral interview. Details could be obtained from the ERuDeF website at

ERuDeF is an equal opportunity employer regardless of sex,

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