Volunteering Positions at ERuDeF

The Director of the ERuDeF/ Institute of Biodiversity and Non-profit studies (IBiNS) announces the recruitment for the following volunteering positions in its institution:

Environmental Education




Human Resource Management


Prospective candidates should hold at least a first degree or equivalent diploma. Short-listed candidates will undergo training at the Institute to reinforce their operational capacities.

The volunteering period will last for 12 months in the different field projects of the Institute and its partners.

Applications are opened until December 30, 2013.

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by January 2, 2014.

The application package comprising a CV, a letter of motivation, relevant diplomas and 2 referee letters should be sent to info@erudefinstitute.org or sent to BP 189 Buea or deposited in any of ERuDeF offices.

The excellent candidates will be recruited by the Institute’s partners at the end of volunteering period. Details could be gotten from the IBiNS campus or at the Institute’s website: www.erudefinstitute.org

ERuDeF IBiNS is an equal opportunity employer regardless of sex, race and religion.

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