Ehinops giganteus: New Source of Livelihood in Magha-Bamumbu

Known locally as “Ayilagwem”, the Echinops giganteus plant, hitherto used for the preparation of traditional dishes like achu & nkui, healing of some ailments and for recreation by little children, has become one of the sources of livelihood to most people in the...

The Lewoh Community Sees ‘Light’ In ABS Mondia Project

The inhabitants of Lewoh community, Lebialem Division, Southwest Cameroon have expressed gratitude to ERUDeF and partners for opening their eyes to the benefits of genetic resources exploitation to their community. By Sheron Endah They were speaking at the end of the...

How Echinops Is Bringing In New Revenue Through ABS

A few years ago, Echinops giganteus was just an ordinary plant in the Mt. Bamboutus area. The locals here had only used its roots, flowers and leaves to spice traditional dishes called nkui and achu. Outside the kitchen, Echinops was, and still, is, a favourite...

Teenager Quits Wildlife Hunting For Technical Education

“I quit hunting to pursue a more meaningful future,” says 19-year-old Bobson. After spending the better part of his childhood and teenage years hunting animals in the Proposed Mak-Betchou Wildlife Sanctuary in Lebialem, Bobson Achia Tajouck decided to return to school...