Agroforestry Fruits of Success

The new conservation thinking that environmental protection cannot be done on “an empty stomach” is increasingly driving the growing concern to attend to human needs and problems that would make conservation more feasible. By Blaise Jumbam, Payong Prudence &...

We Saw It! It Was A Gorilla!

Nowadays with internet access, humans are able to read and learn about places that you will never imagine they even exist and you will never ever imagine you can be there. My name is Ana Paula. I live in México City, one of the biggest cities in the world. And here I...

Echinops giganteus Project Begins To Pay Off

The Echinops giganteus Project which kicked off through a grant award from the UNDP/GEF Small Grant Project in December 2014 has started showing signs of sustainability in the Magha-Bamumbu community of Lebialem Division. By Kenmene Lea Alida The project, which aims...

Over 7500 NTFP Seedlings Distributed In Folepi

Hunters, trappers and farmers in Folepi, Wabane Sub-division, Lebialem Division have received over 7,500 seedlings of non-forest and timbre products (NTFPs) such as eru, bitter cola, njijap, orange, bush mango, black and bush pepper. The beneficiaries promised not to...

The Retired Policeman and Natural Fertilizer

Atunga Victor was trained as a policeman. After retiring from active service, he enlisted with Trees for the Future in 2011 thereby integrating himself into agriculture agro-forestry in order to continue supporting his family. By Payong Marquise Atunga is the...

Restoring Mile 16 Water Catchment With Agro-forestry Trees

By Njumbe Peter Salle During our lifetime, we have seen many water sources destroyed and polluted, and as the human population increases there arises the need to improve on the quality and quantity of water supply. It is for this reason that Trees for the Future,...