A Guide to Greatness

Yesterday I threw out months of work. Work that my team and I spent countless hours on, agonizing over. We created something that nobody in my industry had done before. We were leading a revolution. And before what we created really had a chance to make an impact,...

Volunteer with ERuDeF and Help save Cross River Gorillas

The Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) is proud to announce the recruitment of its 2014 Volunteers to take part in the Cross River Gorilla and other great apes Expedition in the Lebialem Highlands SW Cameroon. Since 2008, ERuDeF has recruited over...

Aesthetic Value of Forest Products Exposed in Art Exhibition

Lebialem Division in the SW might be known for its richness in biodiversity with the presence of some of the world’s rarest animal and plant species. Recently, it has also proven to be a center for arts and craft following an art exhibition that took place in...