[one_third][/one_third]Some two business proposals have been developed on forest and Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) for the MBAAH Community Forest (CF). These business proposals were developed recently by community members with under the mentorship of the Environment and Rural Development Foundation. Meanwhile,charcoal and bush mango productions werealso earmarked for business.

This choice was made based on results from a resource mapping exercise which says, there are over 7000 stands of bush Mango in the MBAAH CF. It was also based on the fact that there are lots of off cuts from Timber which is being exploited from the forest. With these, the community has chosen to produce charcoal as a means to raise additional funds for identified developmental projects in this area.Some of these projects include the construction of community halls in all 4 villages, scholarships to students, support to schools within the locality distribution of inputs to farmers and maintenance of farm to market roads.

According to the Forest Management Officer of the MBAAH CF, Mr. Mbongaya Patrick, this business development process is an eye opener to the community. “The process makes you understand clearly the different steps involved in the different models, the investments and potential profit smart persons can use this process with their individual businesses,” Mr.Mbongaya said.

In addition, other community members expressed their readiness to engage in the various businesses.

“The community is very ready to lend their support and useful contributions towards the success of this enterprise,”MrOsoh Scott added.

The MBAAHCF is found in the Nguti sub division and made up of 4 villages which are; Ekenke, Mboka, Afrikpabiand Ediengoh.

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